Dobergaarden Forever Quisha (DF Athos – Grusholms Nova) was no. 1 in Patrol class in the police dog club in Denmark on the northern part of Denmark. She had 226,7 point out of 230 possible. She is now ready to compete in the Danish Championship for Policedogs the 23. september 2016. In the whole country DF Quisha and her handler and owner Diana Bentsen is no. 2 out of all dogs in the Police Dog Club, så we have very high expectations to them.
Big Congratulations to Diana Bentsen for this top perfomance
DF Quisha works daily for the police dog club in Denmark and has achieved to date the level of Criminal Class.
In just 6 months she has moved up three classes which is not usual in such a short time as it normally takes 2 to 3 years to achieved this level of experience.
Criminal class is the second highest class within the police force and is one level higher an IPO3, the difference is that the objects used are smaller usually 3x3mm for example a small coin or small piece of string measuring 2mm x 10cms and can be buried 10cm under ground for over two hours.
This track can be found anywhere, within a forest or fields and can have many angles and turns depending on the judge on the day and measures 600 meters long compared to a normal IPO3 track which is 600 steps and 60 minutes old with all objects being placed above ground.
DF Quisha can also search areas of forest 75m wide by 300m long for objects which must be retrieve within 30 minutes, these can also be 1 or more people, set of keys, piece of clothing, wallet etc, which can be hidden under branches or foliage and she must indicate the find by standing and barking and must not touch the object.